With the right tools and resources you can easily run a profitable online business. Here’s what I recommend after years in business.
What to do on your Start Here page
There is no one-size-fits-all answer here, and the designers that give you a list of elements without first asking about your revenue model, are — well — wrong.
Seven Rookie Mistakes You’re Probably Making on WordPress
These 7 rookie WordPress mistakes are easy to avoid, and avoiding them will get you going in the right direction a hell of a lot faster.
Three Things to Look For in a New WordPress Theme
There are so many different themes out there, and more coming into the marketplace every day. With so many to choose from it’s easy to get stuck with a WordPress theme that will completely fuck up your website.
So, what’s a website, anyway?
I want to start out at the beginning so we’re all on the same page, and that means making sure we all understand what a website is, and the very basics of how a website works.
Welcome to the Designerless Show!
Yay! Welcome to the Designerless Show! So excited you’re here! Here’s what you can expect from this show.
How to launch your blog and start making money
The more I do this whole website biz thing, the more I learn about what to do, what not to do, and how to do it all better so I don’t waste money. Following these steps you can launch a new blog, with a lead magnet and a small digital product, this week for $150.
How to use Divi to run a course website on WordPress
Having your own online course is a great way to grow your business and supplement your income. Once you develop your material, the course is fairly hands-off compared to doing 1:1 client work.
What plugin should I use for my WordPress membership site?
Recurring revenue is the holy grail of online business, and for many of us online entrepreneurs, that means setting up a membership site, where members pay for access to premium content.