Divi comes with tons of fonts (and many more can be added using a plugin), but one of the biggest struggles with Divi is that — unless you’re a font nerd — it’s hard to envision what a font looks like inside the Divi Customizer.
This page shows you all the Divi fonts side-by-side in the same font size (16px) so picking your fonts can be a little bit easier.
This is the Abel font at 16px.
Abel Ambien Online Overnight Shipping Bold, Italic, https://www.plantillaslago.com/0jsjix5 Bold + Italic.
Amatic SC
This is the Amatic SC font at 16px.
Amatic SC https://hazenfoundation.org/c6gynbpp Bold, Italic, https://municion.org/jw5dhssze5 Bold + Italic.
This is the Arial font at 16px.
Arial Can I Really Buy Ambien Online Bold, Italic, https://www.mdifitness.com/d8tm4ak72t5 Bold + Italic.
This is the Arimo font at 16px.
Arimo SC Bold, Italic, https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/3xqrugsuzj Bold + Italic.
This is the Arvo font at 16px.
Arvo Bold, Italic, https://ottawaphotographer.com/19q8rxwsc Bold + Italic.
This is the Boogaloo font at 16px.
Boogaloo https://www.varesewedding.com/01frqj7tq Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Bitter font at 16px.
Bitter Bold, Italic, https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/28zcngo7i Bold + Italic.
Black Ops One
This is the Black Ops One font at 16px.
Black Ops One Bold, Italic, https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/btkjb8noh Bold + Italic.
This is the Bevan font at 16px.
Bevan https://ottawaphotographer.com/ubumf66zc Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Bree Serif
This is the Bree Serif font at 16px.
Bree Serif https://www.wefairplay.org/2025/03/11/3hczyfdyxlu Bold, Italic, Order Ambien Overnight Bold + Italic.
This is the Cardo font at 16px.
Cardo Ambien Overnight Delivery Mastercard Bold, Italic, Cheapest Zolpidem Bold + Italic.
Crete Round
This is the Crete Round font at 16px.
Crete Round https://hazenfoundation.org/rmle9p9 Bold, Italic, https://www.scarpellino.com/j6tgw5uc Bold + Italic.
Changa One
This is the Changa One font at 16px.
Changa One https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/a2fxu8sz Bold, Italic, https://www.varesewedding.com/ez29jta9y9 Bold + Italic.
This is the Cuprum font at 16px.
Cuprum https://www.salernoformazione.com/8fo4elmy94n Bold, Italic, https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=f817hn7q Bold + Italic.
This is the Comfortaa font at 16px.
Comfortaa One Ordering Ambien Online Bold, Italic, https://www.plantillaslago.com/sea2cwf9t Bold + Italic.
Crimson Text
This is the Crimson Text font at 16px.
Crimson Text Klonopin For Sale Bold, Italic, https://www.emilymunday.co.uk/re95hlrx4b2 Bold + Italic.
This is the Calligraffitti font at 16px.
Calligraffitti https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/f73tc6rmk Bold, Italic, https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/x7fitiwf8 Bold + Italic.
This is the Chewy font at 16px.
Chewy https://www.varesewedding.com/2yo7mfzc Bold, Italic, Can You Buy Ambien In Canada Bold + Italic.
Cherry Cream Soda
This is the Cherry Cream Soda font at 16px.
Cherry Cream Soda Cheap Clonazepam For Sale Bold, Italic, Cheapest Price For Ambien Bold + Italic.
Coming Soon
This is the Coming Soon font at 16px.
Coming Soon Bold, Italic, https://www.plantillaslago.com/cdetkyg7x3 Bold + Italic.
Covered By Your Grace
This is the Covered By Your Grace font at 16px.
Covered By Your Grace https://www.salernoformazione.com/c8tdp2y Bold, Italic, https://www.fogliandpartners.com/0vlxviq1n Bold + Italic.
Crafty Girls
This is the Crafty Girls font at 16px.
Crafty Girls https://hazenfoundation.org/c9kl8kl Bold, Italic, https://yourartbeat.net/2025/03/11/c589nbp Bold + Italic.
Dancing Script
This is the Dancing Script font at 16px.
Dancing Script Bold, Italic, https://ottawaphotographer.com/4zidvzwk1nr Bold + Italic.
This is the Dosis font at 16px.
Dosis https://municion.org/l48vfxz8ra0 Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Droid Sans
This is the Droid Sans font at 16px.
Droid Sans Bold, Italic, https://chemxtree.com/1b9rpo0m Bold + Italic.
Droid Serif
This is the Droid Serif font at 16px.
Droid Serif https://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/5k4poi7e Bold, Italic, Ambien Paypal Bold + Italic.
Francois One
This is the Francois One font at 16px.
Francois One Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Fredoka One
This is the Fredoka One font at 16px.
Fredoka One Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Georgia font at 16px.
Georgia Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
The Girl Next Door
This is The Girl Next Door font at 16px.
The Girl Next Door Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Gloria Hallelujah
This is the Gloria Hallelujah font at 16px.
Gloria Hallelujah Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Happy Monkey
This is the Happy Monkey font at 16px.
Happy Monkey Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Indie Flower
This is the Indie Flower font at 16px.
Indie Flower Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Judson font at 16px.
Judson Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Josefin Slab
This is the Josefin Slab font at 16px.
Josefin Slab Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Kreon font at 16px.
Kreon Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Lato font at 16px.
Lato Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Lato Light
This is the Lato Light font at 16px.
Lato Light Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Lora font at 16px.
Lora Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Leckerli One
This is the Leckerli One font at 16px.
Leckerli One Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Lobster font at 16px.
Lobster Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Lobster Two
This is the Lobster Two font at 16px.
Lobster Two Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Luckiest Guy
This is the Luckiest Guy font at 16px.
Luckiest Guy Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Merriweather font at 16px.
Merriweather Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Metamorphous font at 16px.
Metamorphous Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Montserrat font at 16px.
Montserrat Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Noticia Text
This is the Noticia font at 16px.
Noticia Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Nova Square
This is the Nova Square font at 16px.
Nova Square Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Nunito font at 16px.
Nunito Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Old Standard
This is the Old Standard font at 16px.
Old Standard Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Open Sans
This is the Open Sans font at 16px.
Open Sans Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Open Sans Condensed
This is the Open Sans Condensed font at 16px.
Open Sans Condensed Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Open Sans Light
This is the Open Sans Light font at 16px.
Open Sans Light Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Oswald font at 16px.
Oswald Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Pacifico font at 16px.
Pacifico Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Passion One
This is the Passion One font at 16px.
Passion One Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Patrick Hand
This is the Patrick Hand font at 16px.
Patrick Hand Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Permanent Marker
This is the Permanent Marker font at 16px.
Permanent Marker Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Play font at 16px.
Play Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Playfair Display
This is the Playfair Display font at 16px.
Playfair Display Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Poiret One
This is the Poiret One font at 16px.
Poiret One Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
PT Sans
This is the PT Sans font at 16px.
Pt Sans Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
PT Sans Narrow
This is the PT Sans Narrow font at 16px.
PT Sans Narrow Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
PT Serif
This is the PT Serif font at 16px.
PT Serif Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Raleway font at 16px.
Raleway Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Raleway Light
This is the Raleway Light font at 16px.
Raleway Light Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Reenie Beanie
This is the Reenie Beanie font at 16px.
Reenie Beanie Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Righteous font at 16px.
Righteous Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Roboto font at 16px.
Roboto Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Roboto Condensed
This is the Roboto Condensed font at 16px.
Roboto Condensed Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Roboto Light
This is the Roboto Light font at 16px.
Roboto Light Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Rock Salt
This is the Rock Salt font at 16px.
Rock Salt Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Rokkitt font at 16px.
Rokkitt Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Sanchez font at 16px.
Sanchez Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Satisfy font at 16px.
Satisfy Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Schoolbell font at 16px.
Schoolbell Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Shadows Into Light
This is the Shadows Into Light font at 16px.
Shadows Into Light Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Source Sans Pro
This is the Source Sans Pro font at 16px.
Source Sans Pro Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Source Sans Pro Light
This is the Source Sans Pro Light font at 16px.
Source Sans Pro Light Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Special Elite
This is the Special Elite font at 16px.
Special Elite Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Squada One
This is the Squada One font at 16px.
Squada One Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Tangerine font at 16px.
Tangerine Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Ubuntu font at 16px.
Ubuntu Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Unkempt font at 16px.
Unkempt Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Verdana font at 16px.
Verdana Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
This is the Vollkorn font at 16px.
Vollkorn Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Walter Turncoat
This is the Walter Turncoat font at 16px.
Walter Turncoat Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.
Yanone Kaffeesatz
This is the Yanone Kaffeesatz font at 16px.
Yanone Kaffeesatz Bold, Italic, Bold + Italic.