It’s time to get real. People ask me all the time: Do I need a website? Do I need a professional website? Online Purchase Do I need a website that looks good? The truth is: Yes. If you are an entrepreneur, you do need a professional website that looks good. It doesn’t have to look great; it doesn’t have to be totally original or fancy. But it has to be good, and it has to work, and here’s why: Most people will judge the quality of your business based on the quality of your website. If your website sucks, people think your business sucks. If your website isn’t professional, people will assume your business isn’t either. Paying attention to these few areas will help you uplevel your site, which will in turn make your business look more professional and help you increase your business.
Cheapest Price For Zolpidem1. Get professional photos taken. Badly lit selfies work only up to a certain financial point of your business. They’re great while getting started, but will hold you back once you get to a certain level. Invest a day and $500 and get some professional headshots taken. Plan for headshots to be used on these pages: About
- Contact
- Home
- Services/Programs
2. Proof your copy over and over and over again. I’m really bad at this, to be honest. I have the problem of reading the same paragraph over and over again so I keep not seeing the same mistake that’s been staring at me. What I’ve learned is to take a step away from your copy for a few hours, and come back to it fresh. Maybe even let it sit overnight. I recently fell in love with ProWritingAid, a browser plugin that will make you a much better writer. It helps you with style, grammar, punctuation, cliches, and much more. (If you want to check them out through my affiliate link, you’ll get 10% off.) Design for the business you want.
You know that saying, “Dress for the job your want”? The same rule applies to your website. Design your website for the business you want, not the business you currently have.
Online Doctor Prescription AmbienBuying Zolpidem Your website tells people exactly what kind of business you have and exactly what kind of business you want all at the same time.
If your website isn’t professional, people will assume you aren’t.
Even if you’re just getting started — especially if you’re just getting started — it’s important to look legit. It’s important people trust you.
Your website goes a long way to building that trust.